Find Direction With Divorce Coaching
Most people have heard of divorce lawyers and litigation, but not everyone is familiar with divorce coaches. If you’re in the process of navigating a divorce, a divorce coach can be a critical player in the process. These types of coaches are individuals who can help you navigate various aspects of your divorce, especially for those who are going through an amicable separation but could use some guidance from a professional. If you need some direction in your divorce, here’s why this type of coach might be the solution for you.
What Is Divorce Coaching?
A divorce coach is a third party who assists at various points during a divorce. These coaches typically have backgrounds in family or marriage therapy. This person is a great asset for couples who want to ultimately reach an amicable solution but have a hard time having a peaceful and productive discussion without an intermediary. Divorce coaches often enable two parties to talk through difficult discussion points without the conversation taking a negative turn to get to an ultimately better outcome for both parties.
Who Needs a Divorce Coach?
Divorce coaching is a huge asset for some couples, but it’s not a one size fits all solution. Parties who often benefit from a divorce coach include but are not limited to:
- Couples going through a “Kitchen Table” divorce, or those who can sit down and talk out the divorce without an attorney
- Couples who have an overall amicable divorce process but need assistance discussing certain pain points
- Couples who are undertaking a collaborative divorce.
What Roles Can a Divorce Coach Fulfill?
Divorce coaching can happen in a number of different ways. These types of coaches can be involved in the early stages of divorce to help a couple figure out what method of divorce is right for them or if they can resolve their marital challenges and stay together in the long run.
Divorce coaches can also have a large role in the actual divorce process. Their main objective is to help both parties successfully communicate so as to reach a mutually beneficial agreement in the long run.
Finally, divorce coaches can play a role in navigating the post divorce parenting process in some cases. This is a specialized form of divorce coaching called a “Co-Parenting Coach.” This person can help parents navigate the parenting process post-divorce and find the best solution for the family moving forward. Because disputes don’t necessarily end when the divorce is complete, this person can continue to be involved even after the divorce is final. They can help with a myriad of issues including conflict resolution and creating a parenting plan that is best for the children’s well being.
Why Choose a Divorce Coach in Addition to Other Forms of Representation?
Divorce coaches offer many benefits for those who need some guidance during their divorce. A few benefits they may offer you include:
- Helping with communication issues that get in the way of healthy discussion.
- Discovering hidden emotional baggage that needs to be unpacked and dealt with.
- Tailoring solutions to your needs, including ongoing personalized support and a helping hand to find your best solution.
- Reducing the cost of your divorce in the long run by helping to reduce conflict.
Divorce is a challenging time for all parties involved. From emotions running high, to difficult conversations with children, to piles of paperwork, divorce is a trying process. Having a supportive divorce coach on your side may just be the solution you need to move forward and start the next chapter of your life.
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